The overwhelming concensus was that it was a morning well spent! A great opportunity to spend time in nature, learning from each other and enjoying a shared interest. Many thanks to ALL who took part and contributed!!
And, how successful was it?
At the end, the birding group was met by Rotarians with drinks and snacks, we spent half an hour "debriefing" and tabulating our list of different species spotted by the group on our walk. The total: 36 species! We also used this opportunity to share information and resources with each other.
Some photos for the fabulous morning on the birding walk:
Trying to see the Gray Catbird from the lower bridge.

A pair of Mute Swans on the Beaver River.

A quiet stroll through the Labyrinth area.

Birding at canopy level from the Bridge of Kindness.

Canada Goose family by the harbour.

We tally up our 36 species at the Rotary Pavilion.